Sunday, November 13, 2011

Do i tell him I still have feleings for him and love him?

I am an 18 year old male, and biual, although I have not come out yet. Not long ago I was introduced to a boy, 17 years old, through one of our close friends, although we had only met each other fleetingly in the past, and had never had any opportunity to get to know each other. There was a gang of us going out on the town. We got on amazingly well immediately, and I was very attracted to his personality and his looks, but I thought I knew that noting would come of it, so of course I did nothing. Of course as we got to know each other throughout the night I began to like him even more, and I think I caught him looking at me a few times, and we regularly made eye contact. As the night drew to a close we all piled into a taxi to get back home a few miles away. I somehow ended up sitting next to him, and I still don't know whether he intended it or not. It was dark, and everyone was too tired to notice much, he out his arm around my face and started kissing my neck. I immediately became very excited, but I could not do anything as I was too scared that people would notice. When we got back to my mates house where we were staying we all just collapsed in the lving room floor, but he made eye contact with me and we managed to wrangle staying in the same bed together, alone. We kissed, cuddled and fooled around through most of the night. The next day I was worried he would regret it and put it down as a drunken experience but to my delight he asked for my number and email in order to talk to me more as we lived far apart. We talked constantly, learning we had more in common than we first thought. It qucikly turned from lust to love for both of us, and we stayed up late at night just talking, we both agreed to meet up again. We met up at another party we were both were invited to, and we kissed, cuddled and what not. I really do love him, I crave his company, I want to hold his hand, I want to hear his voice, his jokes and I just want to fall asleep in his arms. However, we were very weary about our friend, who we were sure might of read some texts that we sent each other, as he started to act oddly and we didn't want anyone to know. As much as I didnt want to I decided to ask him whether or not we should break it off before anynone found out about our uality, he agreed with me that it would be too dangerous to carry on, and that we should stop doing things with each other, but we agreed to stay good friends. Although I knew it was for the best, it is not what I want, and I think he may feel the same way as we still talk over the phone and internet just like we used to. I want to tell him that I still love him and that I want to carry on seeing each other secretly and if anyone finds out we can just deal with it. Is this the right thing to do? Please help.

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