Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Where are the black men?

People always say don't be another statistic but if the media or everyone label us and portray us as a whole we might as well be another statistic. I am a AA male who is enrolled in college full time, go to cl everyday and have a 3.8 GPA, No kids, no baby mama drama, never been incarcerated and I’m sure there are plenty of more black young men just like me. I still have to listen to the media everyday and hear about the statistics. I am creating a blog that talks about the African American males who graduated college and are taking care of their kids and doing right for the community and continuing to better themselves every day, not just the renown but the everyday black male just like me. We cannot fall short anymore someone has to stand up and speak upon this crisis of oppression and destruction to our community. If all we hear is negativity all the time and no positivity then that is going to have an effect on our people especially younger kids who have no role models. Some of our own people are downing each other like the media want us too. We need more black males uplifted. Instead of talking about incarceration or dropouts all the time let’s talk about how us as black males can become doctors, lawyers, engineers, and philosophers or anything we want to be. We need more thinkers, scientist, and people that really care. Only we can make a difference and the change is within ourselves. Some people say the sky is the limit but I say above the sky is infinite.

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