Tuesday, November 15, 2011

How to beat Crasher Wake Pokemon Platinum?

Gyrados is really the only tough one. It really helps to have electric moves, which you don't have. I suggest just using many healing items against Gyrados. Floatzal might take two hits with gr knot to go down. Leafeon really needs a better gr moves, the next one he learns is magical leaf at lvl 36.

Would it be improper to seek language cles at a Greek Orthodox church without subscribing to the religion?

I'm intensely interested in pursuing Modern Greek for both linguistic and cultural reasons. The only place I know in my area that offers Modern Greek instruction are the Greek Orthodox churches in the area. However, I have never been religious and consider myself atheist. Would it be improper to use the Greek Orthodox community as a resource if I might not convert? I'm most certainly open to attending services and involving myself in the community regardless of my own personal beliefs about theism.

Is there any online website or free software which can do paraphrasing?

also tell me about the free software which can catch my grammatical mistakes. Please let me know the free and helpful software.

I would like to get your opinion about what happens in a relationship...?

regain the balance of your life, make yourself happy about things that you have left for him, self steam is gone when we don't do what we should be doing.

How to lose weight?

im 35 years old man my height is 5'8". my weight is 86 kg iwant lose 20 kg weight.my waist is 38".

My dad has a chess addiction?

Seems like variation of computer\game addiction, you`ll find plenty on that on web. You could try to get him take part in an acctual real life chess tournament, they don`t happen 24\7 and maybe you can get some real gain out of it

Which of these bands??????????

Led Zeppelin. Out of those bands, you cannot get any ******* better combination of a drummer, guitarist, and lead singer than Led Zeppelin. Grateful Dead is really cool in a way that their **** is chill and funky, but in a contest of who can kick your *** on different instruments? Definately Led Zeppelin.

Liberal re-education Gulag question #19: Did Clinton undermine investigations and cause the USS Cole bombing?

if Clinton had not sent the uss cole into port to refuel it would never of happened. the fleet was off shore with a tanker for refueling

Got my BFP today and am so scared!?

beat thing for u will be firstly dont think negative and secondly go to the doc he is the best person to tell u what to do. Someone told u to do yoga .Wel i will suggest not to do any strenuous exercise before u talk to your doc.

What is this commercial?

it's where the backside of the head is "open" and it's what the person is thinking or something. what is this commercial for?

A pendulum swings through an angle of 15� each second.?

If the pendulum is 12 cm in length and the complete swing from right to left lasts 2 seconds, what area is covered by each complete swing?

How many moles of CsOH does it take to react with 0.782 moles of H2SO4 in 2 CsOH + H2SO4 ---> Cs2SO4 + 2 H2O ?

The equation, 2CsOH + H2SO4 -----> Cs2SO4 + 2H2O tells you that for every mole of sulfuric acid used in this reaction 2 moles of cesium hydroxide is needed. So, if you start with 0.782 moles of sulfruic acid you would need 2X as much cesium hydroxide. Or, 0.782 moles H2SO4 * 2CsOH. Your answer then is 1.56 moles of CsOH is needed to react with 0.782 moles of H2SO4.

I think my audition from mandy.com is a fake?

dont go on your own incase it is a crazy person, could be real but just to be safe maybe go with a parent. x

How can i reduce the frizzness in my hair without spending money?

I use Pink. It is a spray on oil. Its very cheap and you can find it in the african american hair section. Don't use too much or your hair will be oily. Or you could try mayonnaise. Leave it on and then shampoo it out. I used to do that in high school

BFP yesterday! What about you?

I am so excited and nervous all at the same time. My Husband and I have been TTC for almost 2 years now. Finally on my second round of clomind 50 mg it happened this month. Anyone else get their BFP recently?

Help! I'm nervous! Should I or should I not?

Why write a note when all you have to do is strike up a conversation with him .Then hit him with your question very casually .If he then says not then don`t feel bad about it.Just know you did give it a go .It does not mean you have failed .It just means he`s not ready yet that's`s all.

(Believers in God) How has God used you to reach others with his word? (besides Y/A)?

I.E.- there are bikers who have turned their hearts to God, and use their love for bikes to lead other bikers to God, there's some who don't care for church, but would rather volunteer at a shelter serving meals and reach people that way, some maybe sit with the elderly, and use that as an opportunity.Any way, how does God use YOU?

Should i do this trade?

Take Calvin Johnson he is a WR that can score for you every week (even with a backup quarterback) I would check the lions schedule and compare it to your other WR. Also look at the guy who is trading with you and see how much of an impact Vick will have. My personal opinion is this Vick didn't go a whole game agaisnt Greenbay and lets face it the Lions aren't much of a defensive team so what I'm saying here is Vick still hasn't been faced against a really strong defense. Hope this helps

Will This CPU Work With This Mobo?

ASUS P5E Deluxe LGA 775 Intel X48 ATX Intel Motherboard and AMD Phenom II X4 965 Black Edition Deneb 3.4GHz 4 x 512KB L2 Cache 6MB L3 Cache Socket AM3 140W Quad-Core Processor.

What to buy to keep me awake while taking midterms...?

so our high school recomended bringing oething t oeat/drink during our midterms to give us a boost. i need something that will keep me awake and aware that i can carry to my two midterms/day. but im also watching my weight. what dou guys recomend (other than coffee obviously)? also snackwise?

Why are the Republicans considered the white party?

Because of slander/propaganda from the other side. Couple of famous republicans: Abraham Lincoln, Fredrick Dougl, and Martin Luther King jr., because they understood that Republicans are for individual rights.

Can you buy exotic animals from the reptile swap meet?

My dad would like to buy an alligator or a crocodile from the show in weaton. It would be in Weaton Illinois.

Is this a good fantasy baseball trade?

I think I have a steal here. I traded Juan Rivera and Casey McGehee for B.J Upton and Curtis Granderson. My league has no keepers and has a head to head type scoring

Is there another final fantasy 7 movie besides advent children?

Yes. There is Final Fantasy Last Order. It is not actually a movie-since it's only around 26 minutes in length. And it only shows some of the events happening after Crisis Core. You know, Cloud and Zack escape the Shinra Inc. and Zack fights to protect Cloud and later on dies in the struggle (part which I hated most..why the hell did Zack have to die??) and also the fight between Zack, Cloud and Sephiroth in the Nibleheim reactor, after Sephiroth burned the village. That's pretty much it! But rumors are that Square Enix is going to make a remake of Final Fantasy 7 (movie and game..OH YEAH!!).

If you suffer OCD, what unwanted urges do you experience that you're afraid you're going to act on?

I have unwanted urges to hit people, & I also suffer Tourette's. With the unwanted urges, I always have this thought, "I hope I don't punch this person". I very seldom act on my unwanted impulses. I also have unwanted urges to hug or kiss people, too. I don't know why if I feel like everything is nasty.

How should I approach this girl?

^_^ SO SWEET! I think you should go buy soemthing "Not needed" ask her a couple of questions like how shes doing or how has she been....if she just says good then say thats good and smile if she smiles back then say im sorry but i have a question that might freak you out (say it in a sarcastic way)! tell her,when your done with small talk, that you think shes the most beautiful girl you have ever seen (she should blush) then ask her if she would have coffee or lunch or dinner with you! get her answer and if its a yes whatever you do!DO NOT FAINT or anything else just smile get her number then call her up and ask her when

Spanish Help - El, La, Los, Las.?

When do you use El, La, Los, or Las in a word? I think it has something to do with plural and singular and if it ends with a vowel or not. I'm not sure though. Help, thanks.

If the Jets lose to the Raiders, would you sit Mark Sanchez?

No, I would leave him in for the rest of season. Better to sacrifice this season and let Sanchez learn the ropes (and with options like Kellen Clemens and Eric Ainge, can the season even be saved?).

I need depressing piano music?

i making a youtube video with a few raining scenes and i need some depressing sounding piano music without lyrics preferably something that resembles the "moonlight sonata" :by: Beethoven...please and thank you!

I can't tell if guys are interested in me?

It means the new guys are both shy guys and nice guys, as opposed to the more straightforward guys, which to me sound kind of like ***** if they're so upfront about it. (To a shy/nice guy, being that up front about it merits a slap in the face, lol).

What to do in Thailand for 10 days?

Hi, I will be in Thailand for 10 days. Anyone have any suggestions what to do and where to visit? I know I will be in Bangkok for few days, and Hua Hin for few days. Any other places that is interesting? I'm really interested in historical sites, etc. Thank you in advance!

Ray Rice vs CJ Spiller, Week 5?

I would go for Spiller this week, with Lynch nowguaranteedguaranteed to get more carries, he will also be returning so you could get some extra points there, also Broncos D i would have to say is alot better than the Jags.

Why did Israel president make this statement?

"We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq, (for it) swung the American public opinion in our favor". In 2008 to a Israeli newspaper?

Monday, November 14, 2011

Help 2 dimension kinematics! due tomorrow!?

A baseball is thrown with a velocity of 50 m/s at an angle of 40 degrees above the horizon. What is the maximum range and height of this projectile? (Show all 12 kinematics variables for two dimensions)

7 months pregnant and losing weight?

I found out I was pregnant 2 months into it and hadn't gained but 2 lbs, than the next three months I gained 50 lbs. The sixth month I leveled off and maintained my weight.. And this seventh month I dropped between 7-10 lbs and its really only been a couple weeks into the 7th month, my weight fluctuates a lot but is steadily dropping. I eat when Im hungry, most of the time.. But I have been extremely stressed and emotionally tried in this last few weeks by things I cant control and havent had much of an appetite. I gained too much at first, is it really that bad to be losing weight during my last months when I will be overall at a healthier weight? I make sure to eat lots of protein and veggies and take a prenatal vitamin daily. I also work over 40 hours a week on my feet and running hospital halls, this started just the last two weeks also due to financial hardship I had to increase my work hours from very little to overtime and therefore increased my exercise. Interested to know what people out there think after weighing all the data. I am 5' 7" and now weigh 180 lbs. maximum weight ever, 191 lbs. Starting weight before pregnancy 140 lbs.

Are bug shields on car hoods cool looking?

They can look very good if the colors are coordinated right. I think they are most useful with shielding from small rocks rather than bugs - but they also do help keep the windshield cleaner.

Why am i so stupid? why do i ume too often and make illogical conclusions?

To be honest. It happens to just about everyone. I'm the same way i have a 4.0 gpa in hs and all that ****, but everyone has there little flaws about them your's just happens to be you overthink situations and make them out worse then they are. I can't really get out what im meaning to say.. Idk if i helped or not but i gave it a shot, just learn to relax, take things easy and when you overthnk things just think everyone does it and itll all be good

Why not tax pot to fund SS and medicare as the lotto goes to education?

Alcohol and tobacco are both taxed heavly, Goverment regulated, and very bad for us. So why not pot? What is the hangup on this issue with our leadership and society, and what can be done to change them.

Would love some opinions on a trade offer?

I have been offered Antonio Gates for LT? It is a PPR League and TEs get more points per reception then WRs do. My current TEs are Cooley and Keller. And my current RBs are Forte, Bradshaw, LT, Ryan Matthews, Benjarvis Green Ellis. Is the upgrade at TE worth the loss of LT? Is this the time to sell LT high? Is Gates injury a major concern? Advice appreciated...

Rivers or Palmer in week 4?

Rivers plays the steelers and Palmer plays the browns. I started rivers every week so far but thinking might go with palmer this week cause of the match up.

Why does concentrated sulfuric acid burn my skin that hasn't been exposed to sunlight but not that which has?

I got a drop of concentrated sulfuric acid on my arm by accident at one point and it didn't bother me at all. I didn't even notice it for minutes. This surprised me, considering what it will do to plain sugar. Wondering if I had some sort of superhuman invulnerability to sulfuric acid, I tried a drop on my belly and YOUCH! I have a feeling it has something to do with the skin that is regularly exposed to sunlight being different - which is why I never get sunburned on my forearms but if I wear a tanktop for 20 minutes, I'll be red as a tomato starting from where my short-sleeved shirt covers and up. Though it might have something to do with the sulfuric acid drop I tested on my belly I think I got contaminated with phenol. But supposing not, what's the chemistry behind this? Why doesn't it burn my arm?

Nicknames don't have to be the same as your name, right?

it kinda has to have some relation of your name usually. Like the name James and the nickname could be JR or something. people might ask you where did you get that name from. but i know some people are called different names that is no where near their legal first name.

What car companys engines are most prone to burning oil becuase the engines wont last into the high km/miles.?

all car company's are prone to this, because if the motors would last they wouldn't sell very many new cars... cars these days aren't made to keep forever they are disposable they will last a while but they are by design to give out so you will have to purchase a newer one in the future...... keeps them in business....

The Way I Are???? WTF?

Does anyone else find the lyrics in the song "The way I are" by Timbaland challenging? The grammatical implications just kill me.

What's the difference between "being a maverick" and "going rogue"?

Cruising the answers here; which tells me why I so like my own real maverick guy.but I know he was a rogue some years back.

I want to use morse code to talk to people online. How can I do this?

I wanted to use CW Communicator to do this, but the server no longer works for it. Maybe there's another I don't know about? Or maybe there's another way.

How much would this drumset cost? Any drummers out there?

i have a set of pearls that i paid 1200 for but i looked at some sets of dw a good set starts around 500 go to http://www.guitarcenter.com/ and that will tell you what you need to know good luck and have fun

Would you be devastated if I was your dad and you saw me kissing Santa Claus?

i would unwrap every gift, hoping that there was a camcorder in one of them so i's can video you making out with Santa

How many Ribose and Phosphates are in a codon amino acid?

A codon contains three nucleotides and each nucleotides contains one phosphate and one ribose unit therefore a codon contains three phosphate and three ribose groups.

How can the GOP claim they are the party of 'family values' when they engage in acts of adultry?

Do I really need to bring up the guys on the other side who have done the same thing? Politicians are all sbags...period. Few if any of them have a shred of decency left in them. The way things go in Washington and in most state houses proves that.

Do Americans celebrate guy fawkes day or any other non Brits?

No we do not, and thank god we don't that sounds a little to chaotic (the ault and vandalism part). I'll take your word on how it is carried out (as it doesn't sound very far fetched), cleaning up would be a pain.

Doesn't the discovery of Jesus's footprints PROVE that atheists are wrong?

a href="http://news.yahoo.com/s/livescience/20090226/sc_livescience/theshoefits15millionyearoldhumanfootprintsfound"http://news.yahoo.com/s/livescience/2009…/a

Who's the real franchise for his club?

I think the explanation given by Brandon is quite enough. He has explained all the things with great ease .No one would be able to express it like that, thanks

My boyfriend is so jealous because a lot of guy try to talk to me. I dont know what to do!??!?

He just cannot take it. He checks my myspace comments all day, texts me all day, and he send ims all day as if hes trying to catch me doing something wrong. When a guy leaves comments all on my myspace he gets upset. He gets so mad when his friends tell him I'm fine or that I have a big . I dont know what much I can do. I cant hide what I look like or change how people think of me. Hes really annoying me. My friends say i need to dump him... if so how?

Sunday, November 13, 2011

To Whom we need to send 1099 Form?

I have some vendors that we paid for building rent, some of them are LLC, LTD, INC and LP. To which vendors that we need to send 1099 and to which vendors that we DON'T need to ?

This is Hungarian-What does this say in English?

If by "Social Security" you mean "retirement benefits", then I don't think you're in the right place. The site you link is the Hungarian State Treasury. It deals with various forms of state aid (such as maternity pay, welfare, and disability) as well as various financial services and products (such as bonds). I see nothing on the site related to retirement benefits (nyugd�j). I'm not certain which government agency administers that.

Do i tell him I still have feleings for him and love him?

I am an 18 year old male, and biual, although I have not come out yet. Not long ago I was introduced to a boy, 17 years old, through one of our close friends, although we had only met each other fleetingly in the past, and had never had any opportunity to get to know each other. There was a gang of us going out on the town. We got on amazingly well immediately, and I was very attracted to his personality and his looks, but I thought I knew that noting would come of it, so of course I did nothing. Of course as we got to know each other throughout the night I began to like him even more, and I think I caught him looking at me a few times, and we regularly made eye contact. As the night drew to a close we all piled into a taxi to get back home a few miles away. I somehow ended up sitting next to him, and I still don't know whether he intended it or not. It was dark, and everyone was too tired to notice much, he out his arm around my face and started kissing my neck. I immediately became very excited, but I could not do anything as I was too scared that people would notice. When we got back to my mates house where we were staying we all just collapsed in the lving room floor, but he made eye contact with me and we managed to wrangle staying in the same bed together, alone. We kissed, cuddled and fooled around through most of the night. The next day I was worried he would regret it and put it down as a drunken experience but to my delight he asked for my number and email in order to talk to me more as we lived far apart. We talked constantly, learning we had more in common than we first thought. It qucikly turned from lust to love for both of us, and we stayed up late at night just talking, we both agreed to meet up again. We met up at another party we were both were invited to, and we kissed, cuddled and what not. I really do love him, I crave his company, I want to hold his hand, I want to hear his voice, his jokes and I just want to fall asleep in his arms. However, we were very weary about our friend, who we were sure might of read some texts that we sent each other, as he started to act oddly and we didn't want anyone to know. As much as I didnt want to I decided to ask him whether or not we should break it off before anynone found out about our uality, he agreed with me that it would be too dangerous to carry on, and that we should stop doing things with each other, but we agreed to stay good friends. Although I knew it was for the best, it is not what I want, and I think he may feel the same way as we still talk over the phone and internet just like we used to. I want to tell him that I still love him and that I want to carry on seeing each other secretly and if anyone finds out we can just deal with it. Is this the right thing to do? Please help.

I'm in a love triangle with my two best friends, but...?

Okay so, my and my best friend john both like Martha. Martha and John met through me. John felt really guilty about liking the same girl I did. And tonight, it was John who said "dude, if Martha is making you do these things, you're in love with her." And he's right, I'm in love with her! He's the one who made ME realize it! He had felt so guilty about liking Martha that he was going to back down. But, she STOPPED him from doing it. She stopped him because she said she would still like him if he did. But after learning that I'm in love with her, why didn't he voluntarily step down?

How do I find what my computer is worth? What price should I sell for?

Computers depreciate 90% in 3 years. probably 500$ at best. Is the warranty transferable? Having a transferable warranty retains value because the person you sell it to can get it fixed for free if there are any issues.

So the afl field umpires are going to get tough this season?

It's like water off a ducks back Shifty, they'll go hard with their new stance and then back off like they do every year, nothing surer.

Why Iraq suffered due evil doings of Pakistan Establishment?

Why single out Iraq? The whole world has been suffering due to Pakistan's misdeeds in terrorism and spreading of Nuclear arms ! . It is still continuing unabated .Pakistan has the audacity even to question the US which has been giving alms to it , billions to enable it to carry out its misdeeds The war on terrorism will never be over and the world will nt be a safe place for human beings , unless and until Pakistan is taken to severe task. by the countries of the world

I made this girl wait outisde my house for me more than once?

your girl is gonna leave you. the reason is simple. because you did it on accident. she finds out about that and shes gonna find a real man. One that will call her and tell her to "wait at my house until I'm damn ready to come home *****." you might want to back hand her just for good measure.

Marginal Utility homework help?

She will still be spending the same amount, but she's just spending less on the goods with lower utility. i.e. by buying higher utility goods she's getting more utility for the same spend amount.

Is it me or something else..?

Okay well I'm 15 and I never feel good enough, for anything. I always feel like people are trash talking me or planning ways to torture me or something. When I'm with people, I always wonder if there's some other motive than just to be with me. Whenever I make a mistake, no matter how small, I always feel like I have no reason to make a little error and I constantly feel like I need to punish myself for it, which I do. I used to have issues with bulimia and I still have issues with cutting myself. I don't feel like I have anyone to talk to about anything, so I just keep everything inside and eventually I break down. All the time I go from idolizing people to hating them, and I'm not really sure why. When I'm around other people I act all happy and stuff but I really just want to scream and flip ****. People always tell me that I'm always so happy in a good mood, and I wanna rip there heads off becuase I feel like there's something wrong but I'm not worth listening to.The only time I can really calm myself down is when I think of one time when I cut myself and the blood flowed out steadily instead of just a little trickle, which I'm sure isn't "normal." I feel like if I would tell someone any of this, they'd say I'm overreacting and I need to relax, but I don't think I am. Do I need to step back and reevaluate the situation and stop terrorizing myself or is something else wrong?

Is my Spanish paragraph on my best friend gramatically correct?

Mi mejor amiga se llama Anna. Tiene catorce anos, es inglesa y vive en _____ , en el sur de Londres. Tiene ojos azules y cabello casta�o y liso que le llega hasta los hombros. Sus ojos son su mejor rasgo; tambien tiene una nariz peque�a. No tiene pecas ni usa gafas. Anna no es muy alta para su edad y es muy delgada. Es bastante popular, siempre alegre y amable. No es cruel ni maleducada, y yo la quiero mucho.

PDA and intimacy?

sounds like you are both too immature to be worrying about pda or anything anyway so just wait till you get out of junior high then maybe you can worry about this okay

I know wat Miley Cyrus's room looks like ITS NO LIE!?

Theres a video on youtube thats called the "Miley and Mandy Show" type it in on youtube!!!! It takes place in her room...... So watch it if u wanna know what miley cyrus's room looks like!

On nfpa ratings, how toxic is ethanol?

I can't find the msds for ethanol with toxicity listed, please help! and give me the number it is rated (NFPA)

How do I open this soda?

I put a bottled soda in the freezer. I did not expect it to freeze as fast as it did. Its pretty much thawed now (been out of the freezer a little over an hour) but because of the pressure inside, I can't get it open. Several people in my office have tried. If I wait longer, will the pressure go down? Or should I poke a hole in it? The latter sounds like a messy process. Has anyone else ever had this problem?

Is it fair that god kills millions of people including babies and god stays in heaven?

Fair, unfair, God is God and His will be done. He has also been more compionate than Gandhi, Buddha, and Mother Teresa.

How can you convert a "regular" engine to accept Ethanol?

I drive a 2007 Toyota Yaris and the more I learn about ethanol the more I want my engine to accept that instead of the traditional gas. How can I do this or how can I find someone/ company to do it for me? Thanks in advance!

Menopause Symptoms?

I believe I may be experiencing signs of menopause. For the last month I have been having my period every other week. I am having terrible lower back pain and not to bad of cramping. Are these some of the symptoms.

Should there be an electoral college?

Yes, and states should allot their votes by congressional district like they do in Nebraska and New Hampshire!

Which of the following integrals are improper? (Select all that apply.)?

First and 3rd. 3rd because the limits are infinity. First because at x=7 the denominator is 0, undefined

Is there a higher aspect than old/new covenants, if new covenant has a mediator is not of one, but God is one?

There is ABSOLUTELY no higher aspects that precedes the Word of God. "In the Beginning was the Word"; that includes Genesis and ever scribed thing in the old covenant.

American Government is it a Dictatorship?

Is it me i feel like the gov. is not listen to us what happen to " we the people" how do others feel about this.I feel like they are taking advantage of us!

Baby headaches?

My 4 week old seems to be very cranky and can't sleep today. She also sounds like she has a stuffy nose, but she still has big boogers stuck in there. She has been sick the last 2 weeks and has been on a nebulizer for 8 days. She still sounded congested yesterday but she was so happy and slept great yesterday. Today she just wont sleep more than 20 minutes or so and when she wakes up I can't seem to please her. Could she have a headache, maybe her head just hurts and that's why she just seems like I can't please her. She eats like 1/2 ounce when she wakes up every 20 minutes. She screams like she's starving though and then she only eats 1/2 ounce, but then sometimes she eats 3 ounces at a time. She may have a belly ache but i've never heard of a baby headache...I guess they could be real...they're just as human as we are.

Please help me solve this genetics Q and can you show me the punnet square?

The allele for red coat in cattle is co-dominant with the allele for white coat color. The heterozygous phenotype is roan color. Several roan bulls and roan cows are mated. What are the anticipated genotypes and their expected frequencies? Thank you.

Hello, I am wondering if anyone knows of this EUROFINAZZA INVESTMENTS LLC?

A few days ago i was e-mailed by a woman how asked if i could help her to distribute $18,000,000 to charitable organizations in her behalf. She insisted i contact Eurofinazza with a Power of attorney she has provided to me with a Certicicate of Desosit for two metal cases hold by them. She even suplied me with pictures of her Hospital bed. Her name was Susan Fernando in her e-mails. Please help me.


so my pains woke me up at like 6 this morning. the day i get my period i have HORRRIBLE stomach pains it almost feels like REALLY bad gas pains [without farting] or like those stomach pains you get when you have diarreah. it's bad. i took two midol one aleve and two gas x's. i don't know if its gas but sometimes when i take gas x it gets a little better. does anyone know whyyy this happens or if it's gas or something else? anyone know anything i can take to make it go away? the pain gets REALLY REALLY severe to the point where im crying and rolling around and then subsides for a minute or so and then throbs back and yeah. ):

What is the best book you've ever read?

I can't choose myself between Ernest Hemingway - A Farewell to Arms or Milan Kundera - The Unbearable Lightness of Being

POLL: What would you do if...?

I would wonder what our children would look like and if I'd get to stay at the chocolate factory. I don't think Willie Wonka would be able to keep the factory going after I got there. I LOVE CHOCOLATE!!

Problem to compose email and pull down name from address book?

The format on my email page has changed somehow and all the emails I receive are in small tex like a typ writter when I try to answer email the email they sent is on the face of the page

I have lung problems and would like to know whether anyone has any idea what it could be.?

I have been having lung problems since I was 13 and got run over by an Isuzu Trooper SUV. It ran over my leg, back and grazed my head. I have been to many doctors to try and figure out what is wrong with my lungs because I often cough up blood, but no doctors that i have been to have been able to tell me what is wrong with me. Anyone have any Advice? I am currently 20, 5f 8i, and 130 lbs with a fit body. (if you have any idea please leave a response and rate this as interesting) WILL GIVE 10 POINTS!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

I want to learn all Slavic languages. Do I start with eastern or southern ones?

I already know all western Slavic languages (Polish, Czech, Slovak) and now I want to know if I should go south or east? I also know the cyrillic alphabet so that's not a problem. It's on my bucket list to learn them all.

What is the best computer to play all of these games to there fullest potential under $900?

"Crysis" (that is most important), "The Sims 3", "Unreal Tournament 2004", "Battlefield 2", "Quake", and "Mafia".

I ate 34 bags of skittles trying to taste the rainbow what the heck happened?

first of all, this is the best question ever. secondly, i hear its impossible to taste any sort of rainbow until you hit bag number 35.

I offered this trade last week and forgot about it and now the other team accepted it. what do you think of it?

It could go either way. If Colston bounces back from his injury, you might actually look good with this trade. You definitely downgraded at QB, but Fitgerald is a sure-thing almost every week, and Colston has more upside than any of those six guys. But it definitely could bite you in the if the dice falls wrong. You never know. Definitely don't kick yourself over this one.

Is anyone else's heart at ease now that they have found baby Caylee's body (see below)?

I have a 2 year old granddaughter who comes from a broken home and I watched the new daily worrying about this child and actually felt "attached" for some reason like millions of other mothers and grandmothers. Even though the child is dead at least the family can move on and justice can take place. RIP Caylee, we've all been with you all along. We know you are in heaven.

Who exactly is Kim Kardashian? Why is her family famous?

I know Bruce Jenner is famous for being an olympian but seriously...why is Kim Kardashian and her family famous? To me, it looks like E! was hard up for a reality show and Ryan Seacrest had a crush on Kim, so then BAM!...they now have a show. It happens to be the worst show on television but that's not the point. Why have we (as a society) made heiresses like Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie, and their tag-along wanna-be friends famous (i.e. Kim Kardashian)? Does anyone else agree that famed celebrities have taken a nose dive in recent years? Seriously, who cares about Heidi Montag and Lauren Conrad? We've let the "B" list become the "A" list just because of cat fights and big es. Thoughts please!

My daughter has been unfairly suspended. How do I repeal?

Your daughter sprayed someone with mace and she was not being physically threatened...that's AULT!!! She should be responsible enough to notify the teacher that people were cheating off of her papers rather than you telling her to go to school and spray others with mace. The other kids parents should press charges!!! Unfairly suspended? Please!!!

Can you get WOW for the psp go?

No just plain NO. Not yet anyway. The only way you could get it (like Runescape) is to hack your PSP and download custom firmware and patches/exploits to run the Beta and Java scripts on it. The GO will be hacked eventually.

Should I trade LT for Chris Johnson?

Is it worth the risk? I have Ray Rice, Cadillac, and Pierre Thomas as my other RBs in a two RB and one flex league...


look nice. but don't over do it with a suit. you're not apply for CEO. no jeans. be confidant. sit up straight. speak clearly. look the person in his/her eyes. no shaking your leg or getting the jitters. nervousness never lands a job

Harry potter nick names?hp Q&A?

lolz u r obsessed with HP. Im pretty sure those names r just British and Tommy came up with voldmort bc he could spell "i am lord volemort" from the letter of his real name

Anti-lock brake light and brake light?

these two lights are on and i cant seem to figure out why i replace the vacuum line people at autozone suggested it brakes work better but the lights are still on the anti-lock light is an orange color and the brake light is a red color any suggestions? its a 1993 chevy astro van if that helps

One rib is bigger than the other?

all my ribs on the left side stick out a lot and come up high, but all my ribs on the right side are very low down and don't stick out at all. It has become very noticeable Last year, my left ribs were very painfull but i ignored it and it's not painfull anymore, but just recently i noticed this and i don't know if it's something i need to soart out or ignore.

The Young and The Restless?

Who do you think killed Carmen? I think it was Brad...I read that they were getting rid of Phyllis' character and on today's episode she told him she would not forget what he put Nick through, so I think Brad is going to "get rid" of her...what do you think?

Lebanese MD diploma recognized in US?

You would not be able to work as a MD with out fulfilling the FMG (foreign med school grad ) requirements which is an exam and possible residency.Then you could get a state medical license Immigration is a whole different matter. I wouldn't really start doing too much until you are further down the medical road--10 years from now things could be a whole lot different.

Should I contact my daughter's father's parents?

The father of my child had decieded not to be a part of my little girls life. Even after the paternity test that showed he is the father, he has not made one attempt to see her. I have called him once asking if he wants to see her, actually twice and he said no. I am recieving child support as i had filed this right away after she was born. And all I want is the best for her. BUT if he doesnt want tobe involved I am not going to make him. However a friend of mine keeps nagging me that i should try to contact my daughter's father's parents as they have no idea that they have a granddaughter. THIS FREAKS me out. As I am afraid that this is only going to open a can of worms...I only ume that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and if my daughter's father is like this. I can only imagine what they are like. And my other fear is them wanting custody or partial custody or somthing to that extent. Though my friend makes a good point,l that its for the best of her, because I can say to my daughter at least I had tried and if they are the total opposite of her father and are actually loving they may and could be somehting good in her life. WOuld you contact them? I have never meet them before...

Lol wtf? philly/oakland game. how would you describe this picture?

a href="http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n272/wortiz/0fa055bffad15fef1cf015ff1dbc08de-ge.jpg" rel="nofollow"http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n272/…/a

Why has the media finally done a story about how safe Baghdad is NOW?

There were many similar stories during the last year and a half of the Bush administration. Do you remember "the surge worked" arguments? They were all based on the premise that the violence had died down in Baghdad and other Iraqi cities.

Name for a type of dragon tattoo?

I am really interested in getting a traditional sleeve of a dragon on my shoulder blade, you know those type tattoos with the clouds, Japanese flowers, the type tattoos you see that sometimes covers a whole person's backside. I want to know the exact name of that type of tattoo so I won't be looking or sounding stupid when I go to a tattoo shop. Also anyone know any websites I can get ideas off of? Thanks

What have been the most significant long-term changes that have taken place in the US?

what if your great-great-grandfather, who had died in about 1875 reappeared and asked you this: what have been the most significant long-term changes that have taken place in the US or involving the US, since my death? What would you say?

Do you have homework you should be doing?

yea i still have a bunch i havent done - probably wont do it all until the beginning of cl like usual -- i have a bunch of honors A2 things to do and honors Chem on top of who knows what else lol

Fantasy baseball question?

Have you soured on Tex? I expect Tex to bounce back and the rest of the way should be pretty darn good for him. Maybe not quite as good as Pujols but not enough to deal King Felix for Pineiro.

Republicans/Conservatives how do you feel about Mitt Romney?

A man that can make the State of Machusetts profitable by his leadership as its` Governor has to be acknowledged as a leader !

Please critique the beginingish of my song?

Sounds like something my son would write. He has the same gift of ??? a kind of dark thought. [ by the way E name was a joke by friend ] last sentence, left out 'a' in beauty. Sounds good, Love the line, "Listen to the wind fom a field of wilted fantasies"

Friday, November 11, 2011

Are Nature's Promise Naturals Sea Salt Natural Soy Crisps healthy?

It doesn't look like there is much in them at all. If they do not come in their own package naturally, I wouldn't eat them

Do i have the right look to be a princess in disneyland?

their is no telling untill you audition right? if i where you, i would go out for it. what do you have to lose? and even if you dont get the job at least you can say you tried.

Do people know that there is a paragraph that was deleted from the declaration of independence?

I never knew that. That's really interesting. Thank you. Says a lot about politics and human nature; things haven't changed much since then.

I have bipolar depression?

I have two beautiful granddaughters. When I think about them my happy memories make me sad and I start crying. I don't understand why I make happy memories sad. Have done this a lot but is getting worse. Can someone help me understand?

Dimmer switch problem?

hi, just tried putting a touch on dimmer up.Its chrome so needs to be earthed. works fine till i wire the earth to it, then it just lights up and down on its own and wont turn off, the swich worked fine without the earth to it, can anyone throw any light on the matter? pardon the pun...thanks

Are divorce rates through the roof these days because everyone is more promiscuous?

I think it has far more to do with unrealistic expectations of what being married is about and now having means to get out if it all goes wrong.

Best place to watch a Blazer game in Indianapolis?

I'm going to be traveling to Indy next week for work. I want to know of some good places to catch a Portland Blazer game in the area, if any. Maybe a place that shows tons of games at once. Preferably near the Keystone Crossing area. Thanks.

Philosophy, universe and machine?

I didn't quite know how to ask this in a educated way. The earth has seasons and it spins. The solar system spins, dose it have solar seasons? Out side of our solar system there are tons of other spinning universes. Out side those solar systems there are spinning galaxy's. I watch the sun rise too day and had a felling, I felt time. What better word to use to describe life as time. Maybe the universe is a gigantic clock. All the spinning reminded me of gears Maybe gears in a clock. To a race far complex then ours that needs all of this to run it. Maybe we are the energy cells keeping it alive. So what flaws to i have in my philosophy. Do you have any ideas on how i could look at the big picture and see if i can figure out if the universe is a machine? (well defendant, far more than a machine)

Need to find "free"comp registry scanner and cleaner.Any Idea's?

I'm looking for a web site that does not charge for scanning and cleaning out my computer registry.does anyone know any of those sites.I only find the one's that wnat me tyo purchase their product.I think there has to be a free site that I can download,and it would do the same as the other one that I would have to pay for.Did anyone find such site yet?

Ok, my fourth pregnancy question, need alot of input?

i am waiting until my routine dr. appointment before i have a pregnancy test, i figure there's no point in blowing money on a hpt. lol. in the meantime, it has been 5 weeks since the first day of my last period, however i am irregular. i was dizzy all day the day before yesterday, and felt slightly nauseated the whole day also. i have had some mild cramping practically everday for the past 4 or 5 days, and have had a pretty bad headache 3 out of 7 days for the week. the whole past week i have felt like my period was surely coming any minute, and it hasn't. any one else experience this and get a bfp? i think my husband is mildly excited, so i'm not really stressing about anything, i'm just excited about my dr. visit, and wondering what's up these "symptoms" any input would be great.

How would I find someone to sell my snack desert?

After your copy write is legal and all the I's are dotted and T's are crossed, you would do best to contact food brokers. There are many and in turn have national accounts and branches servicing the entire U S. Their most reliable in store reps who are counters and fill-in order writers will get your snack into the mainstream and then you can move away to sell direct to the biggest retailers in the world.

HI!.....PLZ answer...interesting ques wul like answered..?

How much is the usual heating, Telphone and Internet, Water/Sewage, Cable/Satellite TV, and Cell Phone cost in Cleveland Ohio? I would really like to know..

Windows 7 Possible Virus Issue Causing CPU to run high and audio to glitch when it does. More Info Inside?

Funny, I'm having the same problems starting at the same time. However, I'm running XP Pro. My guess it's something related to an update that Microsoft put our for both XP and Win7.

Muscle size not gaining due to?

Your body can not absorb the protein without carbohydrates. You have to eat more potato/rice/spaghetti. Forget the protein shakes for now.

Should there be a new category of sociopath?

Its not a lack of emotions that make you a sociopath, its the lack useless emotions of empathy, guilt, remorse. You don't care about a person and will not help or comfort them unless if it makes logical sense to do so in a way that benefits you. Many sociopaths have a lack of will to maintain the image of "normal" relationships with others or cannot control their actions well which will more often than alert the person their in an relationship with to know they are not "normal".

Is being a tramp worth it?

I want to be really good at ual stuff, and I've already blown a few of my guy friends. Should I just continue with blowing guys until the right guy comes along for me to have with and a relationship?

Are kangaroos adept swimmers?

a href="http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AjzS5HS._64ejZJqCGp1Srbsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20071101184515AANmFok"http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;…/a

My Lab is due to give birth on the 22nd,she is yellow and the male is black,will some be chocolate?

She came over from germany last year,i cant get her akc reg,bec she is in a different german lab club what do i do now? Both parents r pegigree and HD and Ed free,any tips how i still can sell the puppies for a fair price?

The end of the US - hyperinflation destitution - Is that what the Russian President pulled out of his pocket?

A few people have been trying to warn us, but the US citizens are deaf when it comes to understanding why our money has any value at all. Many don't understand the ties to OPEC and the reasons we really go to war all around the world. It's all about the money guys, wake up!

Am i good at skateboarding?

you sound well cool,,if you are enjoying what you are doing,,and its fun and keeps you active and burns your energy then go for it...i only know abit of what your saying,,im older than you ,,but it looks all good to me,,,enjoy.

How come Charlie Sheen keeps getting a p? Why not jail time?

He seems to just break the law , have and take drugs and yet he gets a slap, a few weeks in rehab and he is right at it again. He could be killing people driving around high , he is influencing young people that it is ok to take drugs and hey, nothing will happen to you. The excuse is always what a nice guy he is to get back to work quickly so that the cast and crew of his show don't suffer financial hardship. What a crock! What say all of you?????

Where can I find this specific cell phone cover?

Hi, I am looking for a Green Bay Packers cell phone cover for my friend. She has a Samsung HTC Hero. Can anyone help? I have looked everywhere.

I need to get hold of a program that was aired on ITV in the 60's... how?

Its part of the 'Play of the Week' series called Ladies of The Corridor, my grandma was in it and I'd love to get it for my mum. Any ideas?

Is she purposely doing this to me?

from what you sed, it sounds like she didnt use to answer that way, like all happy and stuff.... so now, she's either answering like that because she's much better off or because she's really not happy but she doesnt wanna show anything and she's pretending everythings fine..... i think she's acting overly cheerful on purpose, i know i would do the same thing if my ex texted me and i still liked him.... i would say just be straight up and ask her if she misses you, you'll never find out otherwise......im almost sure her answer will be yes..... good luck!!!!!!! :)

Do you hate it when someone judges you by your appearance?

Dont listen to anyone of those..be yourself..accept yourself happily..if you want to lose weight then lose, if you dont want to then dont..and stay away from guys with sucha cheap mentality..there are friends who love you the way you are, you just need to find or wait for such people in your life..

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Have Fergy and that black guy from the Black Eye Peas ever kiss? Can you be strictly platonic?

I mean, they spend a lot of time together, they go on tour together and they have fun together, maybe do drugs together. Have they ever had or kissed? She is very attractive and Im sure not to many guys would p up that chance. Any thoughts?

Why are Y/A community so ignorant when it comes to Egypt? as an Egyptian i welcome any sane questions?

First of all todays violence started by Mubarak under cover police wearing civilian clothe, they are boiling after his speech, were we for the first time heard that himself or his son will not run for office; Their are 2 million NDP (Mubarak Party supporters) and today they released their thugs on Tahrir sq. This is a continuation of a dictatorship rule. Egypt will not turn into a civil war, and 80% of us hate the muslim brotherhood, but as a major revolution you should expect some violence. Plz if you have any sane questions, i am willing to answer for the sake of more understanding...

Going to a Catholic ceremony, but I am not Catholic. Any tips?

go and be yourself. try not to look at the religion ,that won't help you you don't have a relationship you need . you can have it . you have to ask for it . if you ask for here the world come out to see that you get both side . look and see what great length people will go to embrace this relationship you need .God is looking for you . God want you to be His own , giving you all He has to give to you .

Abou house again on channel 5?

i live in newcastle england and house is on channel 5 here. My question is are they bringing house the character (hugh laurie) into one episode of casualty this year. To make it clear is hugh laurie playing his role of house in casualty? apparantely its to boost the shows ratings.

Can't stand pressure in driving test.?

Maybe you could do some breathing exercises to calm yourself down. Breathe deeply and imagine that youre by yourself. If you can fake confidence, gradually you will become confident. Know your ability as a driver, and dont let anyone make you nervous.

NEED HELP! PLEASE! the volume of N/4 sulfuric acid solution that diluted to 150 cm3 of Ferric Hydroxide?

the volume of N/4 sulfuric acid solution that diluted to 150 cm3 of Ferric Hydroxide solution per 3 liters is 480 cm3. What is the weight required for the base?

Religious affiliation unimportant. I need a bit of help from those who pray please?

Heavenly Father, I lift up this little baby to You. We know that little ones are precious in Your sight. Keep Your healing hand upon this baby. Give wisdom to the doctor that they will know what to do, give peace to the parents of this child. In Jesus name. Amen.

Psychology in Literature?

For english, i need to write a research paper talking about the psychological behaviors of one character. For example, you can talk about Curley from Of Mice and Men and his ego due to his short and lack of confidence on the inside. We can choose characters from Great Gatsby, Of Mice and Men, the Crucible, Huckleberry Finn, the Scarlet Letter, and Inherit the Wind

What does this saying mean?

lord I never drew first but I drew first blood. it's in the song blaze of glory by bon jovi. what does it mean?

The guy that i had deep feelings for wants back in my life..?

Usually Guys Eventually Come To Their Senses. (If There A Good Guy) This Has Happened To Me. If You Think You Guys Are Meant To Be Go For It. Try Once More. But Dont Make It A Habit Of Running Back To Each Other. Eventually He Will Get Interested In SomeOne Else Again. So Just Try Once More. And If It Doesnt Work Out It Is Nothing Wrong With Being Friends.

Such a thing as a Dimmer timer?

Try looking at Lowes. I didn't know the dimmer switches were on timers. Our dining room dimmer just dims the lights & that's it.

What would "The View" be like if the current co-hosts were replaced with these women?

I would love to see that. Ann Coulter, Nancy Grace, Rosie, or Omarosa could eat up any of them and spit them out. Nice choices. Barbara Walters would sit there with her mouth open if she were to see this.

I wanna be a singer so bad its like my life?

I want to be a singer so bad but i live in scotland and im 15 years old i live in a town called glasgow but i dont know any record companys or anything in there i can sing my sister would play a song on the the radio and id sing it even if i didnt know and she said i sound better than the original person but i just thought she was sayen cause she was my sister but then her friend i dont know i sang infront of her and she said she was blowing away by my voice ive bein put threw hell and back in my life i really want this so bad

If I hit the lotto and became an instant millionaire could I pretty much have my pick of women?

Absolutely! You could get women for hire which is actually much cheaper in the long run. First off, you are getting a professional and once she's gone, you don't have the aftermath to deal with like her trying to take your stuff just because she slept with you or the nagging. Not only that, but you are getting fresh meat every night instead of the same old stuff.

What are the fees in a Prudential 401k Plan? Is there a wrap fee?

The recordkeeper doesn't set the fee's for 401k participants, they are set by the company who handles the 401k (your employer). Fund fee's are set by the funds, not by the 401k and not the recordkeeper.

How would I power a mini fridge on a trailer?

How would you power a mini fridge on a food cart trailer. I have heard of propane which I don't understand how that works, and I have heard of generators, but I need the fridge on all the time. What do you think is the best way?

Is It Safe To Drive With a Cracked Windshield for 500 miles?

Windshield gl is made to withstand some cracks, hence the reason there is more than 1 layer of gl. As long as it isn't in your sight (which you said it wasn't) and YOU feel safe driving the 500 miles there is no issue. Contrary to what others have said, a police officer cannto give you a ticket for a cracked windshield if it isn't in your line of sight.. if they even pull you over tell them to get a life there are much worse crimes to be caught!

Stretch marks!!!?

So I have been using Palmers Cocoa er for maybe 3 or 4 weeks now and it isn't doing anything for my stretch marks on my thighs. I am actually getting more stretch marks. I am very athletic and fit. My thighs are my strongest part of my body. But for some reason my thighs still get stretch marks. Is it something in my diet that is still giving me streatch marks, and is there something else I can do to get rid of them. I don't want to go to a doctor for it. So what can I do to get rid of my ugly stretch marks!?!??!

What determines the relative effectiveness of fiscal and monetary policy in the IS-LM model of a close economy?

I have lost all my notes for an exam I have on monday and my lecturer does not put any notes on the internet so all I am able to go on is a few scraps of notes and the learning objectives of the course (which this and my previous question is one of). Also If anyone knows of a good online free (poor student :() notes resource for degree level macroeconomics that would be great!

If a woman wears a lot cut top should she get mad if guys look?

I think the video says it all. If they catch an ugly guy looking they get mad. But if they catch a good looking guy looking they kind of like it. Funny video.

Christians, What is a thirsty theological intellect? ?

(YES); "Some" people Believe that there Is Such a Thing as a "thirsty theological intellect" !

MLB and NFL jerseys?

What jerseys should I get? My favorite teams are the New England Patriots (NFL) and the Detroit Tigers (MLB). I was thinking Tom Brady and Curtis Granderson. Any answer that is not with these two teams will not be a best answer!

What is an example of Republicans conducting campaigns?

im doing a brochure for US histroy and i need to know an example. i already have that John McCain had a slogan of, "Country First."

Treatment with Universal Health Care?

And to make this situation worse, the people "administering" your health care program are the same people that work at the DMV.

I think my friend is sick?

it seem likes he burps all the time, he says every time he burps his chest fells relived and sometimes when he does burp he fells a pain coming up his neck What is wrong with him

Genotype of the parents?

A woman of blood group A has a child with a man of blood group B. The child's blood is type O. What must be the genotype of the parents?

Should i get the swine flu vaccine?

alot of people are saying there are health risk with the vaccine.now days you cant believe the media says anymore about the flu problems.

When Americs sneezes the world catches cold, so if America smiles ther world grins. EVERYONE smile tomorrow,?

What the hell are you trying to say? That's quite possibly the most vague, incoherent thing I've heard anyone say all week. And if you're going to say something that requires some thought to understand, it helps to use some decent, typo-less grammar.

Is this hurting my friend's chances at dating?

If he wants to find someone who will be honest with him, he needs to be honest with them as well. Sounds like maybe he is focusing too much on his age and not on who he really is. Most women don't care how old you are as long as you don't act like an old person. For instance, my uncle is 56 and he looks like he's 30. He works out 2 hours a day. He goes for a 14 mile run every Sunday morning before church. He goes out to bars and dances and has fun. He meets women who are my age (20's) and when I see him with them it's so weird. The girls say they know how old he is but they don't care because apparently he's "hot." lol. Anyway, he just needs to live his life. Age is just a number.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Religion and Gay Marriage?

I've just read about a San Francisco mayor that strongly supports gay marriage and even makes a rally against so called proposition 8 in California yet he is Roman Catholic, how on earth can religious people support gay marriage if their God tells them it is wrong?!

Why did leonardo da vincis patrons support him?

As today, there is considerable prestige and cachet to supporting creative endeavours, especially with technological and artistic works that are well-received by the public, or otherwise regarded among your peers (rich people) as being for the public good. Especially in those days when favoritism was considered normal governmental practice, this was a way of getting ahead in business and social relations.

Has anyone heard of "Fancy biker beer"?

I was exploring under my house and found three canisters of the stuff and cant seem to find it any where on the internet. Im just currious to know what it is http://www.enveloop.com/fancy-biker-beer-330-ml.html. Thats a link to a picture of it if anyone knows anything abouk it id love to know!

Lion King's Can You Feel The Love Tonight?

Where can I listen to this song? I've checked on YouTube and I get EVERY SINGLE LANGUAGE KNOWN TO MAN EXCEPT ENGLISH! I'm talking about the movie version, not Elton John's.

I am in Air Force DEP? how long?and Why?

The AF is determining when you can fit into school...then you'll go to BMT about 10 weeks prior to that. Since there are a lot of maintenance jobs in the AF then there's a lot of people going to that/those schools. You should know something soon. Oh by the way, bug the crap out of the recruiter! That's her JOB!!! She should be doing her JOB, not being annoyed with you! Make her earn her pay!! She's already in the AF and has her future going...you're starting out on yours, so don't let anyone keep you from getting where you need to go!

Need help from someone who knows American Beavers well?

Mind the caps lol, but anyways I'm having trouble researching exactly the oldest ancestor of the American Beaver. Now, I understand that there was one found in China before the Dinosaurs, but there others that I'm not so sure of. Also, can anyone verify how exactly the American Beaver evolved? From my understanding, it was cases of geographic isolation with the separation of North America and Eurasia, but again, the info is very wide on this. Also, can anyone specify animals closely related to this beaver? I understand the squirrel is, but I need an exact species name. Thanks!!!

Macbeth final project help please?

Part of my final Macbeth project is to select a song that would be appropriate to be played at his funeral. Any suggestions? We also need to select a reading (a brief text taken from the Bible that has some osciation with the deceased. It can also be in the form of a poem, quotation, or page from a text.) I have no idea!!! Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

Did i mess up buying my wayfarers?

i bought some rx2140 wayfarers today but i forgot about the different sizes, and i ended up getting the 50mm. if i would have known i probably would have got the 54mm because i like the bigger ones better and it looks more buddy holly style. people say they think i look better with the smaller ones but i like the look of the bigger ones. i think im allowed to exchange them but i dont want to go through the hle. do you think 54mm is that much of a difference?

What do I do to get a gf? i'm getting sick and tired of family telling me to get a gf?

Thanks, seeing how pathetic you are really put a boost in my day. Needed that you pathetic piece of, well you get the idea. Nut up or shut up. Bars work wonders on women, who are all s anyway

What song should my band play for an encore at my school battle?

Yeah so we are playing the battle of the bands and we have a 3 song set limit so we are doing. Peace Sells - Megadeth. The Trooper - Iron Maiden. and closing with Tornado of Souls - Megadeth. For some reason i just can't decide what song to play as an encore because the band that wins has to play another song. Something worthy of an encore. Originally we wanted to do Cowboys From Hell but it's only one guitar. So if you could give some good suggestions for metal encore worthy songs with two guitars i'd really appreciate it. Please don't suggest anything that sucks like atreyu, bullet for my valentine, and avenged sevenfold

Where can i get videos of movies and tv shows?

well like i got an iPod. and i was on the train and i was like wow i should get some videos on here so i wont be so bored(i was goin g to manhatten) so i wana know where i can get it except iTunes. like id like it to be free, but i cant and dont wana use limewire or those type of program. anyone know anywhere else like off the internet? well if not then anywhere thats payable but at a resonable price... thanks a lot!

Where is the Ark of the Covenant at?

I saw something that said it was in a church in Africa headed by African monks but they will not show anyone. Is this true or is it still lost?

Study engineering is more diffic. than business and management, but why average salary of a bus-man is higher?

I am not sure that I agree that engineering is more difficult than business and management, but salaries are based more on supply and demand than anything else. If there is less demand for engineers than business people, then salaries will be lower for the engineers. It could also have something to do with the area of study. For instance, there may be a need for Civil Engineers but not so much for Electrical Engineers or some other area of engineering. These things also seem to run in cycles. The cycle could turn the other way in a few years.

How to obtain your own rental history?

This may be a stupid question but a landlord is asking for for my rental history. Do they want me to just have my old landlords send over something showing I paid on time or is there an actual "rental history check" like a credit score website? Also, I'm a college student and I'm just a co-signer with my parents actually paying the rent. Will that matter?

Poor Kitty is scared to death. How can I help him?

Ghost just needs to get acquainted with his new surroundings and his new loving owners. It is a tramatic experience for an animal to be uprooted and put into new surroundings. A plus is that he does have your cat to help him adjust. Allow him the freedom to come out on his own. It may take a little time before he begins to relax and to trust you, but he will.

Could this go in a clical poetry anthology?

Sure... write it on a piece of paper, fold the paper, and use it as a bookmark in your clical poetry anthology.

Where are the black men?

People always say don't be another statistic but if the media or everyone label us and portray us as a whole we might as well be another statistic. I am a AA male who is enrolled in college full time, go to cl everyday and have a 3.8 GPA, No kids, no baby mama drama, never been incarcerated and I’m sure there are plenty of more black young men just like me. I still have to listen to the media everyday and hear about the statistics. I am creating a blog that talks about the African American males who graduated college and are taking care of their kids and doing right for the community and continuing to better themselves every day, not just the renown but the everyday black male just like me. We cannot fall short anymore someone has to stand up and speak upon this crisis of oppression and destruction to our community. If all we hear is negativity all the time and no positivity then that is going to have an effect on our people especially younger kids who have no role models. Some of our own people are downing each other like the media want us too. We need more black males uplifted. Instead of talking about incarceration or dropouts all the time let’s talk about how us as black males can become doctors, lawyers, engineers, and philosophers or anything we want to be. We need more thinkers, scientist, and people that really care. Only we can make a difference and the change is within ourselves. Some people say the sky is the limit but I say above the sky is infinite.

Diarrhea Problems?!!?

I've been getting diarrhea for about 2 weeks now. at the beginning it wasn't so bad. just on and off. then this past week has been awful! i have been getting stomach cramps and pooping my pants and farting constantly! the diarrhea is so runny and smelly! what is this?!

A2 - which bike - advice please?

You don't say what your budget is, as this will have the biggest impact in what you can buy. From what I can gather you will not go far wrong with a Street Triple, the Speed Triple can be a bit of an animal and possibly not for a novice, you could even look at the slightly older Triumph Speed Four, the Kawasaki Z750 gets a reasonable write up, there are so many nakeds out there that all do a good job it'll come down to what you like the look of, just get out there swing your leg over a few and see what feels comfortable, probably most important is try and get a test ride,

If a child does not spontaneously engage in any social activity, should they be encouraged/treated or left be?

let your child develop at his own pace, but please be aware that he could be autistic. autistic children are academically bright.

Please help me 10 points best answer!?

look into getting a "debit" card from the bank that uses the credit card network. Charge/debit items on the card to establish usage of credit services.

Question about mirtazapine antidepressants?

Mirtazapine's actually one of the better antidepressants in terms of side effect profile. Haven't you noticed an increase in appetite and better sleeping habits?

W13: Which 1 of these 3 WRs should I start?

Jackson has the height and has replaced Gates as the go-to option in the red zone. The Colts throw to Gonzalez a lot, but he probably won't score. Gage is a risk that I'd avoid for reasons you've mentioned.

When my MIL spoke with my husband, upset, she made excuses for her actions?

hold your ground you have absolutely nothing to apologize for, your the mother and you have the right ot set th rules for your daughter. period. sit down with your husband calmly and explain the situation. maybe he'll understand. maybe you shouldn't let MIL take Care of your daughter for a while if you feel threaten by her actions.

Uh-oh, gaining weight?

For the last few weeks, I've been eating healthy (no sugars, no simple carbohydrates, balanced diet) with an average of 1200 and under calories a day. 4 days a week, I've been going to kickboxing for 2 very intense hours, and on off-days, been going for walks and/or jogs. I've been toning down, my pants and shirts are getting to big for me and i'm seeing muscle definition...and I went down to 149. This morning i woke up, and weighed myself. 152.5!!! What happened?! I haven't increased m;y eating, have decreased my exercise....is it possible i gained this weight because my time of month is coming soon, or is there another reason? HELP!

Is the DB-15 port on the back of my flat-panel TV digital?

I am going to use my Samsung 46" flat-panel TV (1080p) as a monitor for my MacBook laptop and I'm not sure about something. The route I'm taking to do this is using a mini-DVI to VGA adapter on my MacBook then running VGA into the "PC" port on the back of the TV. A guy from my job tells me VGA isn't digital, it's og. This is strange since a DB-15 port is VGA (at least I think it is) and it's on my bran-new 1080p flat-panel. I wouldn't think Samsung would mark an og port "PC"... Anyhoo, is the DB-15 port a digital input or should I use something else? I don't know if anyone makes a mini-DVI to HDMI adapter.... Please advise, thanx.

Any of the boys of the Scottish football forum used the 'gender and womans' section of Yahoo answers, lately ?

good man billy......let me check them out......brb................hahahahaha unbelievable lmfao at his stupidity....... i was in the middle of looking at the question '' Is it alright to dress up in my wifes clothes when she's at work '' and had just read his answer which reads as follows..........'' Dressing up in womens clothes is nothing to be ashamed of, you should be honest with your wife and her reaction might supprise you, i have experienced a similar problem myself but my partner now excepts its something i like doing, and i have actually found that our life has improved, be honest with your wife and good luck, email me if you need some encouragement ''........And after i tried to view his next answer its said his q&a's were private.....so he had obviously changed it after viewing this question with his other account.......the bare faced cheek of him/her to question my parentage and uality when he is the one that cant decide whether he's a she or not.......well his favourite word for me is shemale......a bigot indeed.....and a lieing fool into the bargain.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Math question - quadratic application?

The underside of a bridge forms a parabolic arch. The arch has a maximum height of 30m and a width of 50 m. Can a sailboat p under the bridge, 8 m from the axis of symmetry. if the top of its mast is 27 m above the water? Justify your answer.

Why is Nicole Richie White when both parents are black?

I was just watching something and it had pics of Nicole Richie when she was younger and she was Black. And know she is White and both her Parents are Black. How can this Be?

Get paid to play video games?

i know you can get paid to be a game tester or even do commentaries but i dont wanna do that. are there any other jobs i could do to get paid to play video games?

Statistic homework math problem?

A refrigerator manufacturer has two production lines which are A and B. Production line A has a daily capacity of 59 products. Production line B has a daily capacity of 104 products. Consider that both of the production lines work at full capacity and both of the lines are empty at the beginning of the day. At the end of the day 5 refrigerators are selected randomly from the lot of refrigerators, which are manufactured on the same day. uming that the selection is without replacement. What is the probability that at least 1 of the selected refrigerators came out of production line A ?

What is wrong with my mom?

My mom was similar. She frequently received shots from the hospital for migrane headaches, and that made her very delusional. Is your mom on any medications? Also, there was a lot of relationship strain between my mom and dad. After they divorced, she improved, but she still has a long way to go. Finally, my mom struggled with an eating disorder many years prior, and her continual food restriction made her moody and unpredictable. Bipolar sounds like a reasonable diagnosis as well.

Which Amendment goes with this story? (Please Answer!!)?

5th. "No person shall . . . be deprived of . . .property, without due process of law." It is up to Matt, not Tomas, to file suit and convince a jury that Tomas should not be able to use his property as he desires.

Lease Revision Question?

I have been living in my apartment with three other roommates since August 1st. We signed the lease that says, "Rent is due in advance on the 1st of day of each and every month, at $ 2,500 per month beginning on the 1st day of August, 2009" Later in the Lease he writes, "Resident shall pay for all utilities, services and charges, if any, made payable by or predicated upon the occupancy of the Resident, except: ...(In his handwriting) 'Water and garbage will be collected per month at tenants expense.'" This is where it gets very confusing. We signed the lease but he verbally told us that our rent would be 2,605 but the first month would be 2,645 due to the increase in trash and in water, he specifically said that it would be a first month one-time only thing. The last month we wrote him a check for 2,605 and he called us back saying he wants 2,645 instead. We looked back at the lease agreement confused and a little flustered and stumbled across our signed monthly that says our rent is 2,500 per month (He said he used this lease from a million years ago)!? We don't get it! How much do we have to pay per month? We do not recieve any water bill or trash bill directly...We understand we have to pay for utilities but how is it one flat rate? and should we only just pay for 2,500 a month? He wants to revise this, we think he slipped up..what should we do? Oh and he makes us pay an additional 8 dollars each per month for a washer and dryer that is shared with the people below us, is this legit too?

How to make it snow!?

Oh my god, I live in London and the news said it would snow tonight, where is the snow?!?!, school might be cancelled

Why is mom having sudden short of breath and dizziness?

It started yesterday when my mom out of no where started to feel dizzy and have a little bit of fever and today she said she has a shortness of breath and said there is a tight pain around her lungs. Shes 50 so Im thinking its menopause but Im not sure. What could it be? thanks

Do i haave pneumonia?

You mean plegmn? Yeah it's obviously something bad. Depending on the color of the plegmn, you may need some antibiotics. Should get to a clinic soon.

Website to by REAL uggs from?

i have clic short chestnut uggs that i got for christmas last year, and personally, i think there fake. my dad won admit it, & i think he just bought them off amazon.com or zappos.com where there not real uggs. but its towards the end of november and i want grey clic short uggs for christmas this year, but ugg.com is sold out =( ! i need some help finding an OFFICIAL website that sells real Austrian uggs, and not the semi real ones that ridiculous people try to sell you!

Help me figure this out?

Ok...my fiance and I have been trying to conceive for months now with no success. The last time we had on my ovulation day which was december 22nd. I began with indigestion no matter what i ate and i have never had it before. I have been really moody and stressed and have been getting really emotional over everything. I get mild cramps very seldom and i have had constipation on a few occasions. (tmi i know) yesterday my fiance was 'sucking' on my and he jumped up and said that a tiny bit of liquid went into his mouth? and today they feel a bit achy and are sore when they are touched..I know the only way to really find out is to take a test, but i know it is still too early to take one. I am just really anxious to know and was wondering if any of you have ever experienced any of this. Thankss!

Nickelodeon Show- Kids in a spaceship- girl with rainbow hair...?

Does anyone remember maybe 10 years or so ago, a show where there were a bunch of teenagers on a space ship, and they all had superpowers? They weren't really super powers though, they were just aliens. I was young but I remember there was a girl with Rainbow hair, who's name was Catarina, and she had an imaginary/ invisible friend namd Suzie. Her super power was she could scream really loud. If anyone remembers the name please tell me, cause I remember I loved that show...

Why did the Tea Party Take Down the Billboard?

We have watched many Teabaggers promoting racism for the last year and trying to hide it by calling anyone who mentions it a "racist." Now that they are feeling the heat and the truth is coming out, they are trying to hide their immoral agenda. Radical conservative activists can only win if we buy their lies. If there aren't violent racists in the Teabagger movement, why is the NAACP receiving death threats for calling out the violent racist Teabaggers?

I need help, I'm in LOVE with BFF and ex brother-in-law!!! BIG DILEMMA!?

OK. I was the girlfriend of a guy for 4 months. He left me, and moved in with a new girlfriend in a matter of 5 months or so... Then, his brother and I became BFF's and we shared everything together, we hung out almost everyday, without feeling anything for each other, until one night, that he kissed me. Then, we started to become closer as a pair, and we started having and it seemed like I was on cloud nine. We started arguing, like a normal couple, but he was scared to talk to his brother to get his approval of the relationship, but he was too scared and didn't wanna do it. We drifted a bit apart, but we still hung out, and we didn't PDA because we were like, PROHIBITED. No one could know what was happening, cause the talk would start. Then, one night, he told me that he was a bit, just a bit attracted to a friend of mine, and that pissed me off. I maybe over-reacted, but it still hurt my feelings. He made me choose what to do with the situation, and I decided not to be his friend or his "girlfriend" anymore. WHAT CAN I DO? I love him, and he loves me too, but it's driving me CRAZY!!!

What famous/infamous person (living or dead) gives you the willies?

I don't mean someone famous/infamous who just gets on your nerves, I'm talking about someone famous/infamous who, just by looking at them, really unsettles you.

Laminate counter tops that are stained, but only when dry!?

I have brown laminate kitchen counter tops in my apartment. Somehow there is this whiteish stain on them in certain areas. When I wash them using anything, soapy water, soap, water, the stains go away. I look very closely and the stains are no where to be found. However, as soon as the liquid soap or water drys, the stains magically reappear! When the counter top is dry I run my hand over the stains and it feels like maybe the polish or protective layer as slightly come off where the stains are? Some one please help, I don't want to be hit with a huge bill when I leave my apartment. Please and thank you.

Should Republicans be put under the microscope like they are trying to put Democrats under?

No politicans should be immune. They should be made to disclose things like who they are getting election money from and why they are voting in a certain way. People should watch thier voting records and see if they are really representing the people or special interests.

Did ACORN fraud get Al Franken elected? Was the 312 votes he won by dead people voting?

No doubt. The democrats are a joke anyway..it's appropriate that they elect comedians like Pelosi, Reid and Frankenliberal.

New to "Religion", what am I, (affiliation) if I believe the following...?

I have always believed in a higher power (God), and I do believe that Jesus and others existed. However, I am not sure if I believe that he was anything other than a great man. Meaning, I can not see how he may be "divine", or is a direct descendant of God Himself. I do believe that everything happens for a reason. However, I also believe in evolution. Meaning that God created the earth and its original inhabitants and we eventually evolved into what we are now. I guess I need proof of things that happened in order to believe. In my opinion, due to some of my life's events, I believe that God exists. However, I have seen no evidence that a woman can get pregnant without insemination of some sort. Does this make sense, is this a specific religion? I have just recently started learning about religion through college courses so I am curious and somewhat confused. Anyone who can shed their thoughts on these issues, please do. But only serious answers please, nothing ridiculous. Thank you

Will someone ess this situation?

My boyfriend has been asking me for a y pic for (4) years. Long distance relationship. We met before he went back to US bec there's where he lives/works. I've been reluctant to give it to him, for some reasons. Blackmail, or how he would view me. When one time, he begged for it, & gave me no chance to resist him, i sent him the pic. but w/o my face. I told him that "I'm surprised of what i can do for him. But it seems that he went mad, and told me, I don't trust him... I can't understand.. Who has more right to get mad... me or him...?

Am I eligible to become a father ?

Don't listen to them. You don't become "eligible" to become a father. It should be whenever you and your wife are emotionally and financially ready to have a baby.

Another poem... woe is you?

You called me a minion, hence I refuse to comment on your poem, and am simply just commenting to earn 2 points :3

I deserted the Iraq war and left for Canada. What should I do?

You you deseve to get a squar inch skined off you for every soldier you let down and died and you whent to war for a reason watch one of the videos of amercans who did nothing wrong fall hundreds of feet to there death or get burned alive you little fag you dont deserve to serve in our serve i wish you a slow painful death

What do you think if these become extinct one day-- mosquitoes, rattle-snakes, great white sharks..?

You put this in senior citizens? really? Well, great white sharks cause I'm going to eat them all. rawr ;)

Have you ever engaged in interracial , if so, what is your political affiliation?

I personally don't care about color, I only care that she can help me breed a superior race. To answer my own question, I am only attracted to white women and I am a Blue Dog Democrat.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Help with Ted Hughes' poem "horses"!!?

This is pre-dawn when everything is still, no birds and the whole of the world frozen in the frost - nothing moves. The horses echo this without making a sound. They are still cast like, 'tortuous statues' hung in the stillness just like the poets breath. And later when the poet is in the crowded streets of a city the horses bring back that stillness. In the middle of chaos the poet can retrieve what he felt at that moment when all the world was new, and still, and beautiful, 'their hung heads patient as the horizons'.

I truly cannot stand the presence of my brother and father.?

Whoa!And you think you are something?What about your attitude?Sounds like you have an evil temper of your own!You truly need to move out.

Can I fit a Creative PCMCIA 2 ZS Notebook card, in my express card slot of my Asus w7s notebook?

I have a notebook with an expresscard slot, and I have no idea whether a Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS Notebook Sound Card will fit in there.

Why doesn't it surprise me that when the Republican Party pulls out another 'Contract For America'...?

When the Teddy Roosevelt's and Robert La Follet's (Progressive Republicanism) of the world are a voice again in the Republican party, we'll know there is something new coming out of that party. But, as it is, the Progressives were chased out of the Republican Party as it shifted rightward, and they're hoping people get fed up with ineffective Democrats, and vote Republican out of frustration, rather than any real hope they'll do anything to improve the country. The truth is, most people are not fiscal conservatives, and they don't want working people to be paid less while CEOs make more than ever. Most Americans, unlike fiscal conservatives, want the American dream; house, car, family, good schools, etc..

Why do right wingers have little faith in Obama?

Oh bull. He was so certain he was right, he told Republicans to sit down and shut up. He was wrong and we are paying for it. I don't trust him because he has not earned any trust from me.

Seborrheic dermatitis? or rosacea?

I went to the dermatologist recently and he diagnosed me with seborrheic dermatitis. However, I am not sure that is correct. My nose is kinda reddish/pinkish, but it does not itch (a big symptom of it). i do have oily skin, but i think is rosacea. My nose is a bit flaky, but i think it is because my skin does not absorb the lotion i put on it and it peels off. if i didnt put any lotion on it, no flaking would occur. he gave me oxistat to use, but i am wary of putting steroid on my nose.

How do I thicken up my sauce?

Skip the flour. Take a heaping tablespoon of cornstarch and 2 tablespoons of cold water and make a roux with it. Add that mixture to your stew slowly while stirring and it will thicken right up....promise!

Why wont the halo skulls show up?

I have the difficulty set to normal, and no matter what I do, the skulls for the last 4 levels(The ark, The Covenant, Cortana, and The last level) they wont show up. I hve tried all the edited settings on the skull page for the scoring for none, team, and free for all, yet only the ones that I have found are there. I have also tried starting from the begining of the levels like most sites say to, but they still don't appear, please help!

Kentucky Oaks and Kentucky Derby tickets by invite only?

I've heard these are only available by invite... but I've seen several websites offering reserved seating online and they provide a seating chart for Churchill Downs. Are these legit?

If the texans make the playoffs, is matt schaub the league MVP?

unless drew brees or peyton manning leads their teams to be undefeated i have to vote for schaub, even tho im from indy and a purdue fan, so im huge fans of both brees and manning, if he keeps putting these numbers up......your thoughts?

Did this guy ever care about me or was he using me the whole time?

I dated this guy in the navy for a few months. We met through a friend and we talked on the phone several times and really hit it off. So one day he came to visit me and when we first saw each other we hugged and kissed and there was so much emotion. we went out that day and he showed a lot of pda making it clear that we were together and I was his. He left that night and came back a few weeks later to stay for the week. Everything felt so natural between us and I really fell hard for him. I had with him a few times, which i regret doing now. We went to a party on a friday night, where apparently he got wasted after I left and had with a girl. He never told me about it but I could sense something was wrong when we would talk and he started acting cruel to me. So I ended it with him because I didn't know what else to do. I later found out why he was acting so weird. After I found out, I told him to leave me alone and he hasn't talked to me since. He got together with a girl 3 weeks after we broke up....why would he do this to me? Is she a rebound or did he really not care about me at all?

Im going up to MEPS to inspect with the air force...?

I was in the navy DEP last yr....i had gotten a medical waiver from the navy, it got accepted...so im going up to inspect and DEP with the air force, what would happen? i know i gota get my height and weight checked upon, and then answer some questions with the doctor...so will he disqualify me and make me get another medical waiver for the air force...or since he qualified me before, will he just let me go ahead and let me pick my job with the air force and swear in

Is there a good Patriots bar in Houston?

No, I am not a Texans fan (is anyone?). Just looking for a bar or restaurant where Patriots fans meet to watch the games...

Monta Ellis Out For 3 Months???

doesnt help, but its not like they were gonna make the playoffs anyway , now they just have to figure out whos gonna be their starting point guard with him out

DO you have "Christmas Fever?"?

I definitely do! I'm like totally obsessed, i already have a countdown going (72 days), i'm super obsessed today an i'm listening to Christmas music.I need to go back to school tomorrow(i had the day off) to get my mind off it. So how bout you, do you have the "fever?"

How to sell nintendo products online?

yes you do and get permission form Nintendo to sell there product or you will get sued and you don't wont that

Why does my room get hotter at night??

Do you live near the water? If you do it might be the water. It heats up all day and then cools off at night.

Citizenship and green card questions about applying and restrictions.?

Can't you just stick it out until you get your US citizenship? Then you can come and go as you please without worrying about losing your green card status

How do cars turn? What's the mechanism?

The differential allows the outside tire to rotate at a faster angular velocity than the inside tire. Also, do a search on the Ackerman steering mechanism which allows both front wheels to turn at different angles allowing the wheels to translate through arcs of different radii which offers turning with minimal slipping for the front wheels.

What do you think of this poem: My Little Love ?

This is an extremely touching poem, and you've personalized it so well. The beginning is the strongest for me, particularly the third and fifth stanzas. "when my hand popped from your cheek" and the phonetic "Is zat ma house?" added those extra touches that really made me experience this that mush more. Poems can also be as long as they need to be, and I don't see any problem with length here. If you did want to tighten this, I think maybe you could find a way to condense the last few stanzas where you ponder where this little girl is, and wish to reach out to her. I really loved this, and on a more personal note, as a mother, it is hard when you find out that such a young child is plagued with something like bi-polar disorder. My best goes out to you.

Was Saddam bewildered by the US's attacking Iraq up to the day they put the noose on his neck?

I don't think Saddam thought we would go through with it. After all, he didn't have anything to do with 9/11. We had no reason to attack his country. As far as the "wrong" intell, well, bush wouldn't have been able to feed his ego by avenging his father's death threats if he fessed up. Maybe he invaded Iraq to make his daddy proud or to get his daddy to think more highly of him. Who knows. It sure messed things up though, that's for sure.

How to restore cracked sneakers?(will choose best answer immediately)?

Dont know how familiar with sneakers you are, but i traded some kicks for a pair of jordan 6's (oreoes , white , i guess leather is a good way to call it , with black suede) and the white leather im uming is the best thing to call it is chiped a good lot , i would like to know what would be a good way to fix this ? i was thinking nail polish but aint wanna **** it up , maybe someone can reure me ? thanks

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Is NYU an Ivy League?

Technically, I know it's not, but I am confused about something. I was just looking at the NYU Law School website and I saw some affiliations with Harvard and Princeton. I am wondering why NYU isn't an Ivy League.

What do you think of Gandhi? Do you think his contributions really made a difference?

Yes, even though the West had d India's and Pakistan's resources, he achieved freedom for his country and his method of non violent civil disobedience influenced the revolutions all over the globe including the civil rights movement in the United States and proved to other coutries like Jamaica and Guyana that countries can split with the British Empire.

UK: Crime maps could help criminals?


What exactly is the difference between GW Bush''s Czar's and Obama's Czars?

Czars of the previous administrations, with a few exceptions, have been acceptable from the start and managed to focus on the needs of the people. 0bama's czars have been culled from questionable sources and are universally focused on the needs of the 0bama administration.

Why is it mostly white guys that do crazy things?

They would do stuff like snowboard naked or ride bikes from a cliff to another cliff. The jack crew is mostly white. I am not being racist I am just wondering why is it mostly the white guys that do risky,dangerous stuff and you dont see guys from other races doing that stuff as often.

Can anyone hlp me with this linux script plesase?

May be you can contact a script expert live at website like a href="http://askexpert.info/" rel="nofollow"http://askexpert.info//a .

Office home and student 2007?

during the setupit installs a little bit en says it has encountered an error. technical support said it is because we have all trial versions of 2003. when i try to remove it says like im running in safe mode and im not. im not a big computer geek so cont use big words and stuff lol thanks

A question for the LDS members only?

I was wondering about the battle of orah? This battle was huge right? Millions of people in this battle? Why has absolutly nothing of any kind (evidence) been found? I can take you to places in Nevada where there where native american pow wow's where only maybe there where thousands of people who attended. There is evidence for 5 square miles, you could literally pick up gunnie sacks full of evidence. And why did every single person die and disappear?

How should I deal with my husband's ex wife?

I've recently joined a roller derby team and we're very new. I'm quite excited about doing it and we've met up a few times for practices. However, my husband's ex wife has joined and although she hasn't come to any practices yet, it's only a matter of time. How should I deal with her when I finally meet her? She became a bit of a nutter when me and her ex ot together, we had to get the police involved at one point, so I can't imagine that she's going to be overly friendly towards me. She's also a lot bigger than I am!!

Have you ever totalled your own Yahoo! Group?

No I've felt like it but never done it, when I ran into a big problem with nasty posts I put everyone causing problems on moderation and made it that new members first posts were moderated. That solved it real fast.

I want to Invest in India stock market, i live in Thailand.?

I am an indian national living in Thailand. I want to invest and trade in indian stock exchange from thailand.suggest me how to open an a/c online from bangkok or any share broker co. from India having office in Bangkok.

Which of the following are reducing agents ?

Depending on the other reactant(s), all of these could act as reducing agents. For example, all of these will act as reducing agents when reacting with elemental fluorine.

What does "Ping" a vehicle mean (in US terminology)? How is it different from overtaking a vehicle?

It means to approach a vehicle in front of you in such a way that you are now in front of the vehicle and no longer behind it.

Among Hardy’s novels, the best known are _______.?

among the choices you have given jude the obscure and tess of the d'ubervilles are the only works of hardy's. a farewell to arms was written by ernest hemingway and kim was written by rudyard kipling.as for the works of hardy, tess of the d'ubervilles or the mayor of casterbridge are probably his most well known with a slight edge to tess. other works of hardys which are very well known would include, far from the maddening crowd,and the return of the native,

WANTED: Girls Insight to Girly Logic......?

Idk she was proubly jus getting you worked up with out getting a hook up. girls do it all the time they see how far they can get you to go. sounds me but so true

Do you think Mary-Kate has info on Heath's death?

i think yeah she knows something about heath's death but i highly doubt she might be the "suspect".

Indoor plant problem, my chlorophytums are wilting!?

I echo what Steel Angel wrote. The way I water mine, which is outside on my balcony receiving morning sun and afternoon shade is to take the plant down and water it two or three times with about a five minute interval between each watering to make sure that the root ball is thoroughly wet. You can tell when it needs watering again by "hefting" the pot, and if it feels light, it's time for another watering. Also, make sure that it's not root-bound and that the water just flows through and doesn't permeate the root ball. Good luck with your spider plant.

I need a character jazz song for a trio of teenage girls!!!?

Hi, don't know if you are still on or not but two years ago three girls that i was in a dance company with did a trio to this song called Hernados Hide away and it was really good.

I have 18 days left...I just need some encouragement!?

I am having a scheduled csection on March 22nd so the countdown is ON!! I have 18 days left & I just need some other moms and moms to be to give me some encouragement. I have been biting my husband's head off lately because I'm so miserable and that just makes me feel worse because I don't want to hurt his feelings. I'm just so ready to have my little guy on the OUTSIDE!! I can't sleep good, my clothes are all too small, I'm still working full time & to top it all off I'm getting sick. I get really annoyed when people say that it's getting SO close because to me it's just not getting here quick enough!! Do you ever feel this way? How can I change my attitude??

University Physics - coyote and roadrunner problem?

Did you know that this problem (in one form or another) is over 40 years old? Apparently it has become a right of page for all physics students.

Why would the birth of Dolly the Sheep in 1996 not be possible without the microscope?

Wasn't she produced aually, an exact genetic copy of her mother? I read something on it today, hope that helps.

Top 6 of Championship as good as bottom 6 of Premier League?

Apart from the top 5 in the Premiership there's not much difference down to about the bottom 5 in the Championship.

Plants turning colors in aquarium?

I have 2 fish tanks and a couple of weeks ago I got a plant per tank. Now, the plants look like they are wilting. I also had started putting some salt in my tanks. (they are freshwater tanks) could this be the reason? What kind of plants should I get? I prefer the live plants but I may have to get the fake. What do you suggest?

Liberals, why do you judge all Klansmen as racists ? Do you personally know all Klansmen ?

If you would just read the writings that the KKK is based on, I know you'd agree that the KKK is really just a very peaceful religion and is misrepresented by certain media outlets. It's very hurtful that you insist that all Klansmen are racists. We're not. We just like a good barbecue and good beer. The rest is all slander. So please, stop being so closed minded. Yes, there are a few radical extremist Klansmen, but they don't represent us all. They've completely misunderstood the teachings of the Klan. You shouldn't paint us all with the same brush, with the same sweeping generalizations. On behalf of all my peaceful, tolerant, loving brothers and sisters of the Klan, thank you for opening your mind.

Tattoo idea opinions?

yeah honestly dont get one. i work at the beach so i see all these old people with tattoos. believe me, when you get older, your tattoo will look not as hot as it once did. also, god forbid you gain weight,or get prego, the tattoo will stretch too. its really not attractive. and because tattoos dont fully come off, i would wait til they have an ink that can fully take away the tattoo.

How old was your baby when did you do this?

Hi there i have a 10 month old baby, i was just wondering at what age did you start using their cot quilt? it says on it from 1year old, but i was thinking about starting it now because its getting so cold we do put her in a 'growbag' but she doesn't like them and is staring to outgrow them and i don't fancy buying more because it will start warming up soon, and she doesn't seem to keep still at night lol she starts at one end and ends up somewhere else, why is it not suitable for a baby under 1? is it ok or not? any advice would be great :)

What to do.... part 2?... was your advice the best?

Dude be a man! She is a lying cheating manipulative HO. She will lie and cheat on you again. Is that what you want? Get a clue and move on. I guess if you like being lied to and cheated on, stay with her and forgive her. You might want to go get checked for an STD and advise her to have her ex/new/future buddy to wear a condom.

I'm looking for a certan song can you help me? ?

In the movie drumline when they have the BET Clics compentition what is the name of the song played when Morris brown first steped on to the field and the guy drove in with a Bently.

How do i get rid of the scaly skin on my legs?

My legs are soft..... they just dont look it. They seriously look like crocodile skin. Lotion won't help.... do you know any other ways?

Whats the song no boundaries by kris allen about? (meaning of the song)?

What it means is that there are no boundaries or limits to what you want in life and there is no way anyone is gonna stop you from reaching your goals and your potential. Like in the chorus, it says: "you make it through the pain, whether the hurricanes, to get to that one thing." That means that that one thing is your goal and that the pain and hurricanes are your obstacles trying to stop you from getting to reach your goals.

Need help finding a civil war record.?

there were a lot of people from the same place with the same name as him. right now on ancestry.com you can get a risk fee trial for fourteen days.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Determine the Quality(affirmative or negative) and Quantity(singular universal or particular)of the propositio?

The quality of God having all knowledge and the quantity is what we call boundless. I met a traveler from an antique land, etc. (Ozymandias). ...boundless and bare, the lone and level sands stretch far away.

Are UGG boots worth the hefty price tag?

It depends on if they are the real ones or fake ones. If their fake they should be quite cheep as the sole wears out quickly. If they are real ugg boots they should be quite high in price as the sole lasts longer and they havn't been made in a factory, and the factory has made them simple.

WHO HATES TOM BRADY??????????????

he looks like a girl. he yells at his teammates. he's married to a . he hasn't won a SuperBowl since 04. Peyton & Drew have won one in 06 and 09. his hair is too long. is he Pentecostal????? he lost to Drew Brees and Peyton last year. does anybody hate this ******????

Is this a good poem i have written?

Absolutely love it. The rhyme scheme and meter are superb. You can practically make a song out of it. Keep up the good work :)

What magnfication does a microscope have to have...?

what magnification (or zoom) does a basic microscope need to have in order to be able to see cells? or germs or bacteria, etc. (whichever you can answer)

Why do some christians go overboard, as in crazy, when it comes to there religion?

i met a girl who invited me to her church a new age evangelical christian type of place. i couldnt help but think to myself "are these people all nutjobs or what?" there was a part when they all started preying in tongues and making there kids do it, thats when it became disturbing to me. as an outsider obviously this appears to be a gathering of mental patients. are there any proclaimed new age christians out there that do this just to fit in? or some one explain to me why you do all the crazy stuff instead of conventional church stuff?

Breakfast and morning workout question.?

i want to start working out earlier in the mornings than I usually do. I usually have a bottle of water and then OJ and some type of cereal for breakfast. With this meal, how long should I wait to workout after having had breakfast?

What pokemon should I use to beat the Battle Tycoon Palmer on Pokemon Diamond?

I am having a problem with this dude! He has one perfect combination of pokemon that I can't beat. This is my first meeting with him ( the 21st battle). He uses a Dragonite, a Rhyperior, and a Milotic. So, can anybody tell me how to defeat this master?

Do zombies go to the Heaven?

zombies have no soul. hence if you lived as a good person, your soul would go to heaven when you die. Meanwhile on earth, your soulless body gets revived by a virus that controls its neural motor functions. This body has no soul to go to heaven or hell, so it just stops operating once it gets chainsawed or shotgunned or grenaded or gravity gunned, etc.

Fantasy football help!?

Rasdhard Mendenhall, Willis McGahee, Steve Smith, Steve Smith, Derrick Mason. If you do not want to play two people on the same team substitute Derrick Mason with Ronnie Brown.

Mark hughes manchester city?

Yeah,i think he will do a good job for City.I hope he's better than Sven,who i thought did a very good job in his time with us.I have heard the Ronaldinho and Jo rumours,not sure about Bentley.Whoever he brings in ,i hope there are exciting times ahead for City.BLUE MOON!!!!!!

In Greek Mythology, What Does Ares Do?

No. When Ares heard the sounds of war, he would put on his helmet and go to the battle. He never cared who won as long as much blood was shed. (what a sweet guy!)

Information on Sony TV, model KV-32520,date 12/1996. Does this TV have a digital tuner?

I need to find out if this TV has a digital tuner? Iwant to know if I need to purchase a DTV converter box for it.

Why did the DNC pick Obama over Hilalry?

Will race always triumph over , I thought the left said Hillary was the smartest woman ever. Guess that means she is stupid compared to a affirmative action black guy

Clark Gable or Spencer Tracy?

Both...Gable in the misfits...Tracy in Guess Who's Coming to Dinner...both made right before the stars died.

During the last debate....?

between Obama and Clinton, Obama kept prouncing "Taliban" like "tally-bon." I'm watching a tv show on it now. Native Afghan speakers are pronouncing it, "tail-eh-bon" and the American announcer is pronouncing it, "tal-eh-ban," so who is right? I know obama studied the qu'ran in arabic. So what is the correct pronounciation? Does he know because he studied the qu'ran?

Why do schools permit children to play football during recess?

I'm sure more kids die on playgrounds than playing football. I think you're being an alarmist. I played football and hockey every day of my school life from grade school to the end of high school and guess what? I'm still alive!

What do you think of this article on McCain?

a href="http://www.rollingstone.com/news/story/23316912/makebelieve_maverick/print" rel="nofollow"http://www.rollingstone.com/news/story/2…/a

Why dorky wrestling fans always resort to lame insults instead of making valid points?

it makes them look like the dumb unintelligent losers that i always say that they are. like with the benoit case for example. instead of making valid poits they resort to lame insults to defend why they defend a child killer.

The alligator killed the woman. Unfortunate, but why kill the alligator?

In Savannah the other day, an elderly woman was attacked and killed by an alligator. They found the alligator and killed it. Why? An alligator is an aggressive animal, if they see what they consider food, they're going to try and eat it. Why kill it for what's in its nature? This is not like a dog suddenly turning on its owner. I can understand, killing an animal like that, because you can't keep it as a pet once it does something like that. But this animal was out in its natural habitat. It just makes me think of Chris Rock's stand up routine. He was talking about Siegfried and Roy when one of them was attacked by one of their tigers. He said, "The tiger didn't go crazy. The tiger went "tiger"! And from what I understand, they weren't even sure they had the right one until they cut the thing's stomach open to look at the contents!

Has there been a time when your childd has just made you cry?

Yeah, i have! Exact same moment honestly. I was making a blanket for my second child and the oldest one came along while i was in the bathroom and undid about half of it. I just sat there and cried.. then i told her that she made mommy upset and not to touch stuff like that again!

I would really like to get information about the atkins diet, could you share with me?

i am doing a comparrison paper for a cl and i am lookig for information on foods you can and can not eat, basically an over view of the diet or even the diet itself......i am comparing it to south beach diet and looking at if from a nutrition standpoint and effects on our systems...liver function, bowel function, etc.....if you know of anywhere online that i can get a copy of the atkins diet or can share any information about the atkins diet it would halp me out very much and i thank you very much for your time.

Whats good curling iron i can find at a drugstore?

By the way your english is just fine :) & any curling iron over 25.00 by conair will be just fine. Good luck.

I am kind of short and I exercise all the time, but I am still fat? what do i need to do?

I do 100 sit ups and 100 push ups every 5 times a week and I use small weights to lift in my dads weight room. I eat a pop tart for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch, and for dinner i usually eat green beans with steak, deer meat, etc... I play outside a lot with my friends and do a lot of social activities

14 month old waking up at night for a feeding...?

Hi:) I am a mother of two children. My first one is almost 4 and is a girl and my 14 month old is a boy. My son is a very healthy 14 month old 100 percentile in both height and weight. I don't know if he is going through a growth spurt or something, but at night my mom (he sleeps with my mom...he loves grandma:) says that he wakes up (he never cries just keeps moving around and gets fussy) whenever he has a dirty diaper and wakes up half asleep looking for a bottle. I tell her to try and give him a pacifier but she says that usually he doesn't take it. He only takes it after he has his full bottle of milk and the thing is that he finishes the WHOLE bottle so I know it isn't a comfort thing. He is the kind of kid that if he is done he throws the bottle and goes to sleep. I feel bad for my mom that he wakes up every 4-5 hours for a feeding. My daugther did a similar thing, but I knew she used the bottle for comfort cause she never finished her bottle, but my son sucks them bone dry. Do you think that he is just hungry and maybe hitting a growth spurt? He is really isn't interested in eating during the day which may contribute to his night feeding. He is more interested in playing. He only eats a little during meal times and wants to hurry and go play. Have any parents been through this? Oh and I don't beleive in CIO method...never have sorry. I would appreciate serious answers only. Thank you so much!!:)

Is this the best lineup for me this week, or should i do some switching w/my running backs and wide recievers.?

I think your trouble . For now that's probably your strongest lineup.You need a front line RB. When Marshawn Lynch gets back , he'll spilt carries with Jackson and who knows how long Cadillac's health will hold up . Lewis and McFadden are both pretty weak up to this point .

89 honda civic rides hard and preforms low?

Your plug wires are on wrong. You can call Honda and get the correct firing order or do a search online. There are some diagrams which will show you which number plug goes to the correct spot on the distributor cap.

Did I eat really bad today?

So I am trying to get toned up for the summer and for this whole week I have been eating super healthy, like smoothies and bran cereal and veggies and whole grains etc. today i started out with a bowl of oatmeal with some blueberries, but then I also had two whole wheat waffles with a tiny bit of nutella (like 1-1/2 teaspoons) and strawberries. i feel kinda guilty now and im worried if all my hard work is ruined now?

What will happen on 2012?

the aztec calendar is only til year 2012, and have read that all they predicted has been correct....

Help with MLA Format?

Is there any kind of program I can use online to do my works cited page for me? For example, I can just type in a specific box the author, another box where it was written, another box the copyright date, etc. and then the computer automatically puts it in the correct format?

Could you please check my English?

I have pain all over my body since I cut the gr in the garden at the house I grew up in. No one lives there for six months out of the year, so it is hard to clean up. Once every year, I have to open the water, work the boiler, and cut lots of sprigs and weeds. If I didn't do that, my mother would try to do it alone. So I have to do it that day at any cost. I know I will always be in pain the same time every year.

Did you know, there are more slaves at this point in time than any other?

Well I can't bring up the answer because it's forbidden, but I would not give a nationality to those corporations. And it will remain like that as long as people want the cheapest thing possible - as that can only be made through the cheapest labour possible.